Missions Committee

Our Purpose is to deepen our calling as Christians through service to "the least of our brothers and sisters" both locally and internationally by presenting to the congregation annually areas of concern. 

Our current ministry includes a Food Voucher program, Food Bank, Community Breakfasts, Southdale Chaplaincy Dinners


What Does Your Mission Committee  Do

1)    We plan and oversee our congregation mission project each year. We vary local and international projects. Currently we hope to provide funds for 10 children from the London Chaplaincy to attend Kintail Camp next summer for a week each.

2)    We plan and serve our annual Mission Lunch to the congregation after the Pageant each December. The free will offering this year will go to the Syrian Relief Project.

3)    We find volunteers to take suppers to the Southdale Community one evening per month.

4)    We provide the Hospitality Breakfasts which are held about four times a year on a fifth Saturday of a month. We have a super team of volunteers for this.

5)    We sell Presbyterian Church calendars each year with the proceeds going to our current mission project.

6)    We save pop can tabs always to be donated to purchase wheelchairs for needy children.

7)    We sponsor the Mitten Tree in the sanctuary each November and people kindly knit or buy mitts and hats for this,    which go to the Salvation Army.

8)    Our congregation saves used stamps for the Canadian Bible Society, and used eyeglasses to go overseas to help vision problems in people who cannot afford eyeglasses.

9)    We work to help encourage justice, peace and fairness in various areas of God’s world by signing petitions, mission education and mission speakers.

Matthew 25:31-40

Projects for 2020

March & April – The Unity Project

•socks •underwear •razors
•deodorant •toothbrushes •towels
•dishcloths •coffee mugs

May & June – For the London Chaplaincy:

•cereal •peanut butter •jam
•sunscreen (30 SPF only) (kids go to summer day camps)

July & August – For My Sister’s Place

•shampoo •conditioner •body wash
•deodorant •bar soap •hand cream

September & October – For Rotholme Mission

Items for school lunches:
•juice boxes, granola bars, fruit, dessert cups, etc.
•cereal •toilet paper •baby blankets – knit or crochet

November & December – For Mission Services or The Salvation Army:

•socks, mitts, hats, gloves for adults or children
•men’s underwear

If you are unable to shop, you may:
1) give a small amount of cash to Juel or Ann to purchase more of that month’s


2) write a cheque in your church offering envelope to Elmwood Ave. Presbyterian
Church and mark your envelope “MISSION PROJECT” and that donation will
be sent to Mission Services.